Saturday, March 16, 2019

White-tailed Deer and Bald Eagles

It's probably not surprising but whenever a new lens or camera body comes into your kit it seems that particular item is almost always chosen fur use until the novelty wears off. This has certainly been the case with the EOS 7D Mark II body I picked up last month. With the exception of one brief sunset I've not used my 5D Mark III bodies.

Yesterday and today saw the 7DII used for the purpose I acquired it, with the 70-300mm lens at 300mm. First, some backyard White-tailed Deer from yesterday. These are not cropped at all. The deer heard the shutter sound between the first and second shots. You can listen to the 10 frame per second shutter sound of the 7DII here. It slows down toward the end as the camera's buffer fills.

This morning I headed out to the Bald Eagle nest with the same setup. Apparently, sometime after last Friday (when the nest was empty) an egg or eggs were laid and are now being incubated. Now I have months of watching the nest to look forward to. These shots are 100% crops.

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