Monday, February 19, 2018

Islands in the Fourth Branch of the Mohawk

I did some research today to make sure I was accurately naming the branches of the Mohawk River - they're also called sprouts - as well as the various islands that frequently appear in my photos. Goat Island, upon which the Bald eagle nest sits, and Bock Island, the other end of the hydroelectric dam on Peebles Island are in the fourth branch of the Mohawk.

Also in the fourth branch - between Peebles Island and mainland Waterford - are Second Island, formerly Kings Island, and Polrump Island. Polrump Island is not named on the Google maps graphic below.

I was walking on Peebles Island with the M3 and 55-250mm zoom lens this morning to check on the eagles. One of the pair was sitting deep in the nest so maybe there is some egg incubating going on.

Second Island has three duck blinds that are visible from Peebles Island. Here are shots of two of them.

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